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Tel:  03 9764 8633
Fax: 03 9764 8979
Electron Vacuum Systems Pty Ltd
48 Jellico Drive Scoresby, Victoria.
Australia 3179

Products -> Cleaning Accessories -> Speciality Tools

Shutter Plantation Blind

Shutter Plantation Blind

While being lightweight and washable, the Shutter Plantation Blind is much faster and more effective than messy window blind wiping and/or dusting. The unique electrostatic tufts slide easily between slats (up to 2.25 inches wide), attracting dust and particles like a magnet! The powerful air vent sucks up dust in seconds! You'll never be a slave to messy blind wiping and/or dusting chores again.

Quick Contact
Tel:  03 9764 8633
Fax: 03 9764 8979
Electron Vacuum Systems Pty Ltd
48 Jellico Drive Scoresby, Victoria.
Australia 3179